At Press Conference, Biden Shoots Down The Media Hysteria Over His Age
President Biden took apart the media’s handwringing over their belief that he is too old to serve a second term.
Video of Biden:
Biden said when asked about polling finding that most Americans don’t want him to run again due to his age:
With regard to age, you know, and polling data, I noticed the polling data I keep hearing about is that I’m between 42 and 46% favorable rating, et cetera, but everybody running for reelection at this time has been in the same position there’s nothing new about that you’re making it sound like Biden is really under water.
Number two, when the same polling data asks what kind of job I’ve done, it gets overwhelming positive results from 58% from the CHIPS Act and the — all the things we have done you know, we’ve created, like I said, we’ve created 12 million new jobs we created 800,000 manufacturing jobs we have economic growth moving.
We’re in a situation where the climate, we have invested more money and more help in dealing with the climate crisis than any nation in the world. Things are moving and the reason I’m running again is a job to finish the other thing is that, look, you know, think about what I inherited when I got elected I inherited a nation and overwhelming debt at the time, number one in the whole for the four years that he was president.
I inherited a nation that had a serious loss of credibility around the world as America first, and you know, the first meeting I attended at the G7, I said America is back, and one of the leaders said for how long. There’s a great concern about the United States being able to lead the free world, and we’re doing that again and those same polls you look at, take a look at the polls saying whether I pulled together NATO and European Union as well.
The polls on Biden’s age and approval rating don’t reflect what is really going on. We’ve seen this movie before. The media looks at the polling and says Biden is weak, and then the Democratic coalition shows up and votes for Joe Biden.
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Biden has been in public life for more than 50 years, yet the press continues to underestimate him. It is revealing that the criticism that the media has latched on to is that the President is old. They aren’t talking about his policies, or failures at governing, just his age.
Joe Biden can’t control his age, and if the press keeps walking down this path, they will turn off potential viewers, readers, and listeners, by crossing the line into ageism.
President Biden has not been perfect. There is a list of issues that more should have been done on, but if the options are the return of Donald Trump or reflecting Joe Biden, Democrats have to like Biden’s chances.
Jason is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.
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Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association