Political News

GOP Border Fraud Exposed As House Republicans Refuse To Stay In Session To Pass Deal

Republicans want to go home for Christmas, and Speaker Mike Johnson made it clear that he won’t keep the House in session to pass Ukraine aid and a border deal.

This is what Speaker Johnson had to say to Hugh Hewitt:

Speaker Johnson was trying to blame the Senate, but if the border is such an urgent matter, why won’t Republicans in the House stay in session to get the Senate more time to hammer out a deal?

Just so we’re all clear, the taxpayers pay House Republicans to do a job, but they have no interest in sticking around to do that job if it will interfere with their extra long Christmas break. House Republicans are going to close up shop for the year either on Thursday, December 14 or by lunchtime on Friday, December 15.

At worst, that is ten days before Christmas. If the ‘border crisis’ is really as urgent as they say it is, House Republicans could stay in session for another week to ensure that a deal covers both Ukraine aid and the border.

The message is that the border is important enough to help Putin by denying Ukraine aid, but it is not so crucial that House Republicans will cut their Christmas vacation short to do something about it.

The urgency of the border issue is apparently an act of fraud, as the real House Republican motivation is to help Putin and harm Ukraine.

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