Political News

Republicans Are Having To Bus In People To Protest Trump’s Arraignment

Republicans can’t count on people to come out and protest for Trump on their own so some Florida Republicans are reportedly busing them in.


Here is the notice:

Here is the event on the Orange County (FL) Republican Party website:

The busing of protesters should sound familiar because that is exactly what Republicans did on 1/6. Some of Trump’s most fierce supporters are calling for violence in response to his indictment, the GOP must not think that they can trust people to come to the courthouse to protest for Trump, so they are going to bus them in.

The one thing that has been missing since Trump was indicted was organized protest on his behalf. For years, Trump has threatened the nation with violence if he was ever held accountable, but so far there has been nothing notable at any of his court cases. 

I/6 was a different situation because Trump used the emotional investment of Republican voters in the election outcome to incite them to violence. The 1/6 was less about keeping Donald Trump in power and more related to an effort to keep Republicans in power through any means necessary.

Due to all of the arrests related to 1/6, many Trump supporters are afraid to go protest because they don’t think that he is worth getting arrested for.

If there is a big crowd at the Miami courthouse on Tuesday to support Trump, there is already evidence that they were planted there by the Republican Party.

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