Political News

Lauren Boebert Is Going To Try To Save Trump With Biden Impeachment Vote

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) said that she is going to force the House to vote on Biden impeachment whether Republicans want to do it or not.


Boebert said on Newsmax:

This man isn’t capable of running a press conference, let alone being the president of the United States, the single greatest country in the world. I introduced these articles of impeachment, not for personal gain or even political popularity. I introduced articles of impeachment on behalf of the American people. And if there are members of Congress in the Republican conference who don’t want to bring this up and debated in committee, then I will make sure that a privileged resolution comes to the floor and forces members of Congress to vote on these articles of impeachment. I’m tired of waiting around Americans all across the country are screaming that we need to do something.

They’re tired of only having hearings and investigations and just talking heads on TV, saying what they want to do or what they’re going to do, and so I made sure that I drafted these articles of impeachment in a manner that I could call them up for a vote at any time. So I want to see if they’re going to bring them up in committee. And if not, then we are going to force this on the House floor and really hold members of Congress in a place in a position to say, Do you think that this man should stay in office or not Now? Of course, we don’t mind that he would be the candidate that President Trump would run against if he wins the primary, which I believe that he will happy birthday President Trump and you know, we don’t mind if the if that is his opponent, But this man should not be an office. 

There is no chance that Biden will be impeached. There are dozens of House Republicans with zero interest in impeaching Biden. If Boebert does bring her articles of impeachment to the floor with a privileged resolution, they will fail immediately,

Rep. Boebert is trying to create a distraction from the fact that Donald Trump is facing a federal trial on 37 felony counts. The desperation of MAGA members of Congress like Boebert will only grow the closer it gets to Trump’s trial date.

Lauren Boebert is a true believer, so she probably really thinks that Trump will beat Biden, but just in case, she is trying to impeach Biden to help Trump in 2024.

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