Fox News Is Offering To Match Employee Donations To The Satanic Temple
The Blaze and conservatives are up in arms because Fox News will reportedly match employee donations to groups like Planned Parenthood and The Satanic Temple.
“Fox Giving” is an app in the company portal that facilitates charitable donations via the Canadian-based donation management platform Benevity. Fox will apparently match donations up to $1,000 to various organizations that satisfy the company’s criteria.
While on its face, this appears to be little more than an attempt at corporate beneficence, the company is willing to match donations to the Satanic Temple, the Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center – radical leftist groups antipathetic to conservatives and the values they hold most dear.
If you work at Fox News, you might have thought that the Satanic Temple was another name for the company picnic. The Blaze is claiming that they have “whistleblowers” who work at Fox News. The right seems to have no idea what the term whistleblower means.
A whistleblower is someone who informs on an organization or person for engaging in illicit or illegal activity. There is nothing illicit or illegal about donating to Planned Parenthood or the Southern Poverty Law Center. If an employee wants to contribute to the Satanic Temple and Fox wants to match it, that’s legally fine too.
The missing part of The Blaze story was any proof that Fox has ever given money to any of these organizations. The right media bubble is coming apart and eating itself, but the idea of Fox News employees getting back at their bosses by having the Murdochs match donations to Planned Parenthood and the Satanic Temple is pretty funny.
Jason is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.
Awards and Professional Memberships
Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association